The 7 Secrets to Sustainable Success

Step Out Of Overwhelm And Kick Self-Doubt To The Curb

It's time to connect with your divine assignment and become the powerful woman you were always meant to be

Next Live Challenge Starts:
April 26th - May 2nd

**Live every day @ 9am CT inside the exclusive FB group - Replay will be available**


Yes! I'm Ready To Reclaim My Power

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During This 7 Day Challenge, You Will Learn How To:

  • Use your voice UNAPOLOGETICALLY. Move past feelings of self-doubt so you can go after what you want. Whether that means finding the confidence to tell your husband you want Mexican for dinner instead of Chinese or finally hiring a VA so you can do the work you love.
  • Stop functioning on adrenaline. Adulting is no joke! And quite often regardless of our good intentions, positive vibes, lifehacks and ingested fuel for slaying our days...WE NEED A BREAK!!!! No more feeling like all you do is rush from one thing to the next. Stop reaching for that 3 PM cup of coffee to get you through the day - learn to connect to peace and presence every day so you can get your projects finished AND still take time for you. You will learn how you hold within you this secret SUPERPOWER
    to set your day up for a sense of peace and ease.
  • Quit being drained by people, places, and things. No more settling, tolerating or allowing. Learn to confidently say NO so you can finally operate from the highest version of yourself.
  • Wake up and BE the best version of yourself. Make a massive impact with your purpose, vision, and mission so you can hit that 6-figure mark in your business or celebrate that promotion you just got with your favorite bottle of champagne.
  • Shed the guilt and the fear of others' opinions. Consistently and courageously step into your zone of genius without apologies or disturbances so you can consistently show up live on Facebook with confidence or boldly pour yourself a bubble bath-100% guilt free.
  • Be the creator of time. Never say "I'm too busy," again. No more being a victim to not having time, wishing there was more time, or feeling like you can't get it all done. Prioritize wine with your bestie or finally carve out 3 hours a day to rock your home-based business.
  • Cultivate a rock-solid belief in yourself. Open yourself up to opportunities, possibilities, and experiences you once deemed as impossible so you can boldly as for the $20K sale or confidently ask for the raise because you KNOW you deserve it.

Yes! I'm Ready To Reclaim My Power

-> Join challenge now for just $27 <-

This is how the challenge works

  • As soon as you sign up you will receive an email with all the information you need to know about the challenge
  • You will gain instant access to the private Facebook group where the challenge will take place.
  • I will go LIVE inside the Facebook group every day from April 26th to May 2nd at 9am CT... That's 10am ET, 8am MT, 7am PT. And for those of you in Europe, that's 3pm UK time!
  • Attending LIVE gives you the best experience. But if for some reason you can't attend live, all the replays will be available inside the Facebook group for you to watch.

Meet Krista, Your Badass Coach

Krista Resnick is a women's leadership expert, success coach, sought after speaker and mother to 3 teenage boys.

She is a powerhouse of soul, fun, compassion, and vibrancy.  Her honest and curious approach guides the women she serves in a way that is both real, true and supportive.

Her work empowers female leaders to stop settling, embrace their wholeness, and define success on their own terms.

Her Healthy Selfish Movement has helped hundreds of women across the globe.  Krista is a walking permission slip, inspiring women to show up unapologetically and live a life that lights their soul on fire.

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